Conduct Reconnaissance Survey assessment for Historic Preservation. Clearance Assistance to Professional Archaeological and Anthropological Researchers on intensive investigations/survey. Collection and Storage of ethnographical and archaeological data for the division Public Education programs, tour guides and dissemination of information to the general public regarding historic and cultural resources, office function, importance of out heritages, etc. Capacity building for Pohnpei State HPO and FSM HPO’s in Computer application, basic repair, and survey forms. Preparation, update and input of Pohnpei State Registry, U.S. National Register, Registry Nomination and survey forms. Draft of quarterly reports, assessments, work-plan, overview reports. Project notification and Division’s permit for HPO Pohnpei State Government, National HPO and U.S. National Park Service Outreach promotions for institutes, organization, or agencies regarding historic and cultural heritages within our region.